Kiggans Slams Lawmakers for Obstructing Defense Bill

WASHINGTON, DC: Today, Congresswoman Jen Kiggans (VA-02) issued the following statement after the House failed to advance H.R. 4365, which would fund the Department of Defense for Fiscal Year 2024. The bill was blocked from further debate and consideration by a vote of 212-214

“Today’s actions by five members of my own party – in coordination with every Democrat – are unacceptable and offensive. Every lawmaker who cast a no vote willingly chose to deprive our Armed Forces of the resources and tools they need to confront emerging threats across the globe.

“My grandfather served, my father served, I served, my husband served, my children are serving…I know firsthand how much our brave men and women in uniform sacrifice for our safety and our freedoms. They deserve better than this.

“This type of governing is as irresponsible as it is destructive. Government is not a game. We MUST pass this bill without further delay.”


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