Kiggans’ Welcome Message to POTUS: Healthcare Should Never Be a Partisan Issue

Feb 28, 2023

Today, Congresswoman Jen Kiggans (VA-02) released the following welcome message to President Joe Biden:

Today, President Biden will be coming to my district: Virginia’s Second Congressional District.
It’s an honor to be able to host him here, but I really wish the purpose of his visit was less partisan.
He’s coming here today to pit Republicans and Democrats against each other on the issue of healthcare.
I’m a geriatric nurse practitioner. I’ve had the honor and privilege of taking care of our Greatest Generation for many years, proudly providing them with the quality healthcare they deserve as they get older.
They’ve spent their entire lives paying into programs like Social Security and Medicare, with the promise that the government would pay them back one day; that’s a promise that I intend to keep.
As the only geriatric nurse practitioner in Congress, I certainly know how important these programs are to our seniors.
Unlike the President – who has proposed cutting Medicare and Social Security in the past – my Republican colleagues and I have no plans to cut benefits for anyone who is receiving or who’s eligible for receiving these benefits.
That’s why I’m fighting to preserve them.
Healthcare should never be a partisan issue, and I certainly didn’t come to Washington to play politics.
I’m laser focused on solutions for providing quality, affordable, and accessible healthcare to all Americans, and especially for those in my district and those in our greatest generation.
I hope the President will decide to switch gears today and will work with Republicans to find those practical, bipartisan solutions, because I stand ready to work with him and any of my colleagues to get the job done.


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